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Corporate Donation Matching Tool

Employee engagementBeginner

Many companies match their employees’ charitable donations, effectively doubling your gift at no additional cost to you. Find out if your company offers matches for your donations to double your impact.

How To Get Started

Here’s how to use our workplace giving tool:

  1. Click the ‘View this Tool’ button to access the tool.
  2. Enter your company’s name in the search box.
  3. If a result shows up, your company offers a match! Review the corporate matching details.
  4. If a result does not show up, your company may not offer a match or have anything on record. Reach out to your human resources team to learn more.

How Will This Action Create Change?

WWF-Canada relies on the generosity of donors and organizations to advance our mission of building a future in which humans live in harmony with nature. By doubling your donation to WWF with a company match, you will also double your impact to help advance our work in restoring wildlife habitats and conserving the world’s biological diversity.

The Sustainable Development Goals That Align with This Action Include:

Visit the SDG compass site for details.